In the US alone, more people access the internet from their mobile device than from a desktop computer, so it’s no wonder that responsive and mobile design skills are super important to employers. Responsive design means that the site’s layout change based on the screen size and device someone is using. This development of this behind-the-scenes process that handles such requests, transactions, information/data storage and retrieval is what is referred to as backend mobile development. In mobile development, front-end is responsible for defining the user experience.

The technologies are different for frontend and backend and even different for the android application development and iOS application development. A frontend developer is responsible for converting the UI/UX into interactive user experience through writing lines of code. The front-end of the mobile application represents the user interface while the backend encompasses the functionalities of the entire application. We provide full stack engineers to work on their cloud products and QA to test their consumer mobile applications. The job market has never been better for talented front-end and mobile developers. Companies are scrambling to find qualified engineers across mobile and front-end development — with competition for candidates at an all-time high.


Unlike JavaScript, it was designed to create enterprise-level applications. A JavaScript library that you should be familiar with is React. It’s used to build user interfaces for single-page applications and is currently the most popular JavaScript library. Once the site or app is built, frontend developers are responsible for maintenance, testing, and ongoing developments like feature upgrades. Database development facilitates the designing, development, implementation and maintenance of enterprise data management systems. Properly designed databases are easy to maintain and can drastically improve your applications data consistency.

front end mobile developer

While the remote server is busy at work, your web browser is idle, waiting for the server to finish processing the request and sending a response. When the response is received, web browsers interpret it and display the content on the screen. Strategies like these give Concepta an edge in creating dynamic technology solutions within a client’s time and budgetary how to become a mobile developer guidelines. Every developer has their idiosyncrasies and blind spots, and they might not catch their own mistakes. What’s hard for one person, though, is considerably easier for a software development agency. Given OIDC’s extensible specifications, participants can add features like identity-data encryption, search for OpenID providers, and session management.

Front-End Mobile Developer

Based on HTML and CSS, static web applications contain no dynamic elements and are primarily for displaying content and data only, allowing no interactions between users and servers. Hence, these applications, the common ones being portfolio sites and official company sites, are relatively easy and simple to build, modify, and manage. Note that despite being static, these applications can include videos, GIFs, and animated banners. Additionally, you can integrate with a custom SDK or extend your app with custom native code using React Native modules.

front end mobile developer